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#3 Lean In

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Sometimes we feel blown away by the headwinds of life.

It’s easy to ask, “am I getting anywhere?”

The pressures of work, family, health and finances seem to be overwhelming.                                                           

Everything feels out of control.

It’s a mess.

Try this.
Imagine Jesus facing you through the storm.


Lean in.
Fix your eyes on him and stand your ground.
Imagine his hand outstretched to take yours.


Lean in.
Know that his presence will calm the wind, relieve the pressure
and restore order.


It’s not easy. It requires courage, and resilience.
Not things we always feel strong in.
No problem, Jesus knows this.
Be bold and be thankful for all that he is doing.


Right now, Jesus commands creation.

“Jesus, when I look for you in my circumstances, I will find your peace and order, even when the wind is howling in my face. I am strong in your presence and you will not let me fall.”

He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves,
“Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.
Mark 4:39 

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